Horizon Church Podcast

Horizon Church Podcast

Horizon Church

Weekly Teaching from Horizon Church in Surrey, Canada. Through Jesus, we walk with people to find healing for yesterday, purpose for today and vision for tomorrow.

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Have you ever found yourself battling thoughts of inadequacy, fear, or hopelessness? These struggles often feel like more than just fleeting emotions—they can dominate our minds and lead us into cycles of doubt. But have you ever stopped to ask, "Where do these thoughts come from?" Could it be that the real battle is not just against life’s circumstances but against the lies we’ve come to believe?

The Bible teaches us that the enemy, Satan, is the "father of lies" (John 8:44). His primary tactic is to plant deceptive ideas in our minds, hoping we will accept them as truth. But here’s the good news: Jesus offers us something much more powerful than any lie—we have His truth. And His truth can set us free.

Lies vs. Truth: The Real Battle

Many of us are familiar with struggles like self-doubt, fear of failure, or feelings of unworthiness. While it’s easy to blame our circumstances or other people for these feelings, Jesus reveals that the root of many of our struggles is spiritual. The enemy works tirelessly to convince us that we are defeated, unloved, and powerless. But this is where Jesus steps in with His truth.

In John 8:32, Jesus promises, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." This isn’t just a metaphor; it’s a spiritual reality. The lies we believe can imprison us—whether it’s believing we are not good enough, that our past defines us, or that we will never overcome certain struggles. But Jesus offers freedom through His truth.

The Power of Jesus' Truth

The lies of the enemy might sound convincing, but Jesus offers us a way to combat them: His Word. Scripture is filled with promises and truths that challenge the lies of the enemy. When Satan whispers that we are unworthy, Jesus tells us that we are loved and chosen (Ephesians 1:4). When the enemy says we are powerless, Jesus reminds us that we are more than conquerors through Him (Romans 8:37).

One of the enemy’s strategies is to make us feel isolated in our struggles. But Jesus' truth assures us that we are never alone. He sent the Holy Spirit to be our Helper, guiding us into all truth (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit empowers us to recognize the lies of the enemy and replace them with God’s truth.

How Do We Fight the Lies?

Fighting the lies of the enemy requires actively embracing the truth of Jesus. It starts by knowing His Word and letting it sink deep into our hearts. When we face lies—whether about our worth, our future, or our identity—we can combat them with the truth of Scripture. It’s not enough to simply know the facts; we need to let God’s truth shape how we view ourselves and the world around us.

The enemy tells us we are stuck in our sin, but Jesus says, "If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" (John 8:36). His truth breaks the chains of shame, guilt, and fear. The lies lose their power when we stand firmly on the foundation of His Word.

Living in Freedom

When we align our thoughts with the truth of Jesus, we begin to experience real freedom. The enemy’s lies may still come, but they no longer have the power to control us. Instead of living in defeat, we can live with confidence, knowing that Jesus has already won the victory for us

  1. What are some common lies that people in our society tend to believe about themselves or their circumstances? How can these lies affect our daily lives and relationship with God?

  2. Have you ever experienced a time when a lie about yourself or God impacted your actions or mindset? How did the truth of Jesus help you overcome it?

  3. How does knowing Jesus as “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6) empower us to recognize and reject the lies of the enemy?

  4. In what practical ways can we equip ourselves daily with the truth of God's Word to combat the enemy’s lies?

  5. Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). What does it look like to live in that freedom, especially when facing the pressures and temptations of everyday life?

Previous episodes

  • 402 - How Can the Truth of Jesus Help Us Fight the Lies of the Enemy? 
    Sun, 08 Sep 2024
  • 401 - Are You Ready to Go All In for Jesus? 
    Sun, 01 Sep 2024
  • 400 - Have You Discovered the Hidden Treasure in Your Life? 
    Sun, 25 Aug 2024
  • 399 - Rescuers Like Jesus 
    Sun, 18 Aug 2024
  • 398 - Are We Building God's House or Our Own? 
    Sun, 11 Aug 2024
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