Living in the Miracle Zone

Living in the Miracle Zone

Marci Shimoff

Living in the Miracle Zone, hosted by #1 NY Times bestselling author Marci Shimoff, is a weekly podcast bringing you miraculous stories from interviews with some of the world’s most recognizable names, from everyday people, and from Marci herself. As a featured teacher in The Secret , founder of Your Year of Miracles, and author of Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul, Marci is a top leader in the area of personal transformation. Over a decade ago, Marci woke up one day and realized she was living a truly miraculous life. She knew it hadn’t happened by chance, but that there were certain keys to making a miraculous life possible. She’s now shared these keys with more than a million people around the world, and today she shares them with you. Let Marci and her guests offer their most groundbreaking miracle tools to help you create a flow of miracles in every area of your life: self-love, wealth, relationships, health, purpose, and more. It’s possible to transform your life from the mundane to the miraculous. Let’s dive in and change your world…one miracle at a time. Welcome to the Miracle Zone! Follow Marci on Instagram: @youryearofmiracles Website:

Categories: Education

Listen to the last episode:

I don’t know about you, but I loved following the summer Olympics this year. I was already a huge fan of the amazing Simone Biles, but even more so now.

If you aren’t aware of her story, Simone is the most decorated American Olympic gymnast of all time, and she has 11 Olympic medals including seven golds. People call her the GOAT, which stands for “Greatest of All Time.”

Back in the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, Simone experienced the “twisties,” which happen when a gymnast temporarily loses awareness of where they are while performing twists in the air.

This is super disorienting, dangerous, and terrifying. They can’t control their bodies or where they land, and it could lead to serious injuries. So Simone made the difficult decision to withdraw from the Japan Olympics. And she publicly shared that she was doing it for her mental and physical health. Her decision inspired other athletes to publicly share their own challenges with mental health and it sparked new conversations in the sports and gymnastics community about the importance of mental health. Simone also got a lot of backlash and harsh criticism, but she didn’t let that drag her down. She took 3 years to do emotional healing and self-love work before she came back to the 2024 Paris Olympics. She shared that therapy was a crucial part of her regimen, and so was speaking on her trauma and releasing it, rather than pushing it down.

In this episode, I share Simone’s journey of courage, resilience, and what she did when she suddenly found herself back at square one with all the odds stacked against her.  Even if you never plan to step onto a balance beam or even do a cartwheel, I think there are many lessons we can all appreciate and learn from Simone’s inspiring comeback.

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Previous episodes

  • 39 - What We Can Learn from Simone Biles' Comeback 
    Tue, 03 Sep 2024 - 0h
  • 38 - 81 and Unstoppable: Peggy Huddleston’s Revolutionary Approach to Healing 
    Tue, 27 Aug 2024 - 0h
  • 37 - How to Open to What You Resist with Marci Shimoff 
    Tue, 20 Aug 2024 - 0h
  • 36 - The Antidote to Anxiety Spirals with Marci Shimoff 
    Tue, 13 Aug 2024 - 0h
  • 35 - Consciousness Is All There Is with Dr. Tony Nader 
    Tue, 06 Aug 2024 - 0h
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